What were they thinking? Let's introduce a baby Godzilla and hopefully it will appeal to young kids? In any case, this movie works out as a rather silly (yes, even more so than usual) and campy one.
Out of all of the Gojira movies that I have seen so far, this one definitely feels like the least 'Gojira like'. It's a different movie in style and tone and doesn't even seems to focus as much on the kaiju fights this time around. The movie as a whole feels too warm and happy, which doesn't sound like much of a complaint but it's actually something that turns this movie into a far too goofy and campy one for my taste.
A lot of this of course has to do with the introduction of Gojira's son in this movie. Instead of an exact copy of his father, he's one weak, stupid, annoying, ugly little guy, who for some reason also makes donkey noises (perhaps that answers the question of who's his mother?). He's mostly there to serve as comic relief and he even manages to turn Gojira into a bit of a softy. Of course it's cute and amusing to watch but it just isn't what a Gojira movie should all be about in my opinion. Perhaps I would have been fine with it if this movie wasn't a part of the Gojira series and Gojira himself got replaced by any other random giant creature.

But that simply wasn't the direction this movie was going for. It was trying to be a more playful and family friendly movie. And really, I still might have been fine with that, as long as things were fun and entertaining enough to watch, which however just isn't always the case for this movie.
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