(Review originally written at 18 April 2004)
The mix of horror, thriller, spectacular science fiction and realistic science-fiction is not balanced very well and makes it confusing to see what you are actually watching.
The movie is interesting in the beginning but after about an hour the movie goes wild and all of the sudden we get a whole different story and movie. I don't blame the directing, I blame the story. The movie also leaves more question than answers.
And what was Morgan Freeman doing in this? Don't be fooled people, his role is actually a fairly small one. Come to think of it, his role was an totally unnecessary one. Also Tom Sizemore seemed to be walking around in this movie without having any idea what he was doing.
The movie had quite some potential but the execution of it is sloppy. The movie also fails to get scary and tense, instead the scene's get more comical in a way. Even though the movie is about 135 minutes long, it still feels short and very rushed, probably because there are too many story lines going on at once. Also the ending was quite disappointing.
Certainly watchable because of the directing, cinematography, special effects and soundtrack but it's not a must see.
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