Not really sure why this movie is hated so much. It isn't THAT bad but granted that it isn't a very good movie either.
But honestly, what did you expect from a movie titled "Nurse 3-D", with a silly premise and half-naked women on the cover- and in most of the advertising for this movie. In that regard, this movie also delivers what it promised; sexified half naked nurses, in a silly movie, that perhaps is trying a bit too hard to be silly and like a bad B-movie from the '80's.
It also most definitely isn't a good movie but that's not because of its silly premise. It's really all due to the approach and execution of it. Horror and comedy can go together very well but unfortunately that's never being the case within this movie.
The movie is too silly to work out as a genuinely good and gruesome horror movie. There is plenty of blood, there are plenty of killings yet i don't think that this movie is going to please any of the horror and gore lovers out there. Because the movie isn't ever taking itself very seriously, everything that happens in it also feels without consequences. There is no tension, no good mystery and whenever someone gets killed or stabbed, it's hard to care for that person and feel involved.

I was actually shocked by Paz de la Huerta's performance in this movie. She was absolutely terrible and her stiff, one dimensional, acting took most of the fun out of her character and from the overall movie in general. She besides sounded horribly annoying and once you keep looking at her you simply have to say that she isn't even all that pretty to look at. Sounds like a harsh and totally irrelevant thing to say but for this movie and her role in particular it's actually very relevant. The movie wants you to believe that this is a woman that every guy would fall for within seconds and on top of that, all of her tight clothes and nudity of course highly sexualizes the character as well. There isn't much else to the character other than her sexuality, so when the actress who's playing the main character isn't even all that sexy, it does become a bit of a problem.
This movie definitely had the potential to be an enjoyable silly B-flick but the writing, approach and overall execution of all of it is far too lacking to call this movie a successful and effective one. It's not terrible but still a far from good movie really.
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