(Review originally written at 31 January 2008)
This is just one of those movies that makes a totally pointless impression and makes you wonder why it was ever made in the first place. Not that it's an horrible movie of course but it's too lacking on basically every front to consider this a good movie as well.
The movie has a very simple story that only slowly takes more shape in the second halve of the movie. But even then, the story just never really knows to intrigue. Oh well, maybe it's just because I never really liked the circus that this movie just couldn't interest me much.
But even so, this movie is lacking on more fronts than just the story. It's also a quite cheap and simple looking movie. You know, the movie with painted backgrounds, which makes it all painfully obvious most of it was shot inside a studio. It says something I think about the overall production values of this movie. Again, it's nothing too bad but not anything impressive either.
The actors are all quite good but the characters they portray remain mostly flat and uninteresting. Also their relations just never know to interest you and the movie just mostly muddles on as it progresses. There are some good ideas but just movie just never really exploit them fully or in the best way possible,
No, just not really a movie that will stay with you.
The Main Attraction (1962) Directed by Daniel Petrie

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