It's really a movie that is made great by its writing and style. Edgar Wright has a very particular and stylish directing style. His movies bring comedies to another level. You'll be always able to recognize an Edgar Wright movie (even when Simon Pegg isn't in it) through its style. It's fast and enhances and makes truly the movie its comical moments. But also the writing is great. Despite the fact that it actually has a very simplistic concept and the movie is basically a one joke movie (a big-town, successful police officer, who does things always by the book gets promoted away to the dull and slow countryside.). The story and its script are filled with some great and just plain silly (in a good way) moments and some unusual, funny characters.
Of course things in the country side are not as calm and innocent as it seems at first sight. Soon he stumbles upon a series of sudden killings. So yes, there actually is still a main plot present in the movie as well, which is an enjoyable one that knows to keep you interested throughout as well, no matter how silly it gets at times.
After this some crazy, absurd, over-the-top action kicks in, which really makes the movie all the more hilarious to watch. It's obviously deliberately done totally over-the-top, just as are the movie its characters all. The movie is needlessly violent and graphic, which actually works all the more hilarious for the movie its comedy because its all so extremely well and professionally done. It was the foremost reason why for instance "Shaun of the Dead" also worked out so well.
Simon Pegg's and Edgar Wright's previously successes have as a result for this movie that some big well known actors show up in this movie in some small roles. Actors such as Stuart Wilson, Timothy Dalton, Bill Nighy, Jim Broadbent and Cate Blanchett all appear in this movie. It even has Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson in it, in a 3 seconds cameo. Of course Simon Pegg still is the central character of the movie but this time he and Nick Frost don't need to carry the movie as much alone as they for instance still had to do in "Shaun of the Dead". They are both great comedian actors but it's a real good thing that the movie has also some great supporting actors.
If you liked "Shaun of the Dead", you will love "Hot Fuzz".
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