This is a worthy sequel to the successful movie "The Gods Must Be Crazy" from 1980. Perhaps in its build up and in terms of professionalism this is even a better movie than the first one.
The story flows better from start till finish, though the movie still decides on putting in a bit too many characters and plot-lines. At times you feel that the movie could had done without a couple of plot-lines and characters. The movie at times has difficulties putting its focus on its many different characters equally, especially toward the end, in which N!xau basically gets underused too much.
Still the movie is a real fun time. It's a real simple and silly movie, that you simply need to enjoy for what it is. Its slapstick humor works well again and provides the movie with plenty of laughs in it.
The animal wild life of Africa also plays a big role again, even more so than in the first movie. It's real nice to see what they had achieved with the animals in this movie, that at times certainly give away better performances than some of the actors within the movie.
It's surprising how good and fun this sequel actually is!
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