(Review originally written at 3 April 2004)
"See no Evil, Hear no Evil" is an at times uneven movie with some hits and misses that is made only interesting by the two lead actors Pryor and Wilder.
There are some good and funny movies but not enough to make this comedy a rememberable one. The action in the movie is incredible lame, it's typical comedy 80's like and that's not a positive thing to say.
The chemistry between Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder is very good and both act very well. Truly two almost already legendary comical actors. Kevin Spacey in one of his first roles acts very poor with his disturbing accent. It's ironic that he later became one of the best actors in the business, I don't think that this is a movie that will be often played at the Spacey's home.
Great movie to kill some time with.
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