(Review originally written at 5 April 2004)
"Always" is a great underrated drama made by Steven Spielberg.
"Always" is not really a tearjearker but it sure knows how to be dramatic and emotional with the right combination of some typical relieving Spielberg humor at times. The story is touching as well as original (even though it's a remake).
The characters are portrayed most excellent by the impressive cast. Richard Dreyfuss and Holly Hunter are a wonderful couple together and John Goodman also shows his dramatic skills. Extra plus is Audrey Hepburn's presence in her last role.
The forest fire sequences are filmed in a wonderful way and the aerial sequences are filmed in such a way that they seem like WW II dogfights, which I think was done on purpose. Everything in the movie seems to be made with lots of profession and above the average drama standards.
A movie that will always stay in my mind.
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