Really can't say this is a great movie but at least is an entertaining one to watch.
Klaus Kinski as a serial killer and the son of an old deranged Nazi surgeon. That's all you need to hear basically, in order to become at the very least remotely interested in this movie. And indeed, the movie its concept is enough to keep things interesting and it's the main reason why the movie works out as a 'fun' and entertaining one.
Any movie involving Klaus Kinski as a mad man is worth watching in my opinion. In this movie he's a serial killer, with a dubious past, who now runs an apartment house for women. He spends most of his time crawling through the crawlspaces, to peep on his young and attractive tenants. That's also how I imagine Kinski spend his time at home; crawling through the crawlspaces, looking either for someone to peep on or to kill. Seriously, this guy was a genius but totally insane as well.

It still does feel like a typical and great early slasher at times, with perhaps even some hints of an Italian Giallo movie in it, with its fine camera-work by Sergio Salvati and the musical score by Pino Donaggio. But all of the fine moments aren't quite enough to cover up the movie its lacking script and disappointing amount of graphic killings or gore.
I enjoyed the movie for Klaus Kinski and the madness and creepiness of his performance and character but other than that, this is a rather forgettable low-budget horror/slasher that isn't ever doing enough with the story.
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