A sequel that's better than the original? In my opinion yes, definitely!
Now, I'm not saying that this movie features a better story in it than the original. As a matter of fact; it's pretty much just as messy and nonsensical all. However, the film-makers themselves seemed to be very well aware of this as well and movie itself is at times even making fun of its own story. This means that the movie is far more self aware and therefore also more fun to watch than its predecessor.
But that's not the only thing that's better. Compared to the original, this movie improved in just about every way. So, better acting, better characters but also better comedy and action but more importantly; a better and more effective combination of it.

It's very obvious that this movie benefited from the change in the director's seat. Dean Parisot is obviously a director who seems to know and understand what it takes to make a movie a fun and funny one to watch, as opposed to Robert Schwentke who directed the first 2010 "Red" movie. But the humor isn't just more enjoyable, so are its action scenes. This actually is a pretty exciting movie to watch at times, that also manages to become a tense one at parts. Despite its weak and messy story, the movie still has some pretty decent storytelling in it.
But as often is the case with these type of movies; this is not really a story driven movie. It's all about its fun, adventure and action, which luckily all is good enough to make this a pretty good and entertaining genre flick, with some pretty good acting by its impressive cast as well.
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