This is one of the very few genuinely creepy horror movies and also John Carpenter's last great movie, till this date.
This movies always have been a favorite of mine. It's one of those rare movies that seem to understand what it takes to be a creepy one. It isn't constantly busy building up toward its next big scare but is more often focusing on the little subtle things. The sort of things that feel out of place and unnatural and make you feel uncomfortable while watching. And the fictional town of Hobb's End is filled with little things like that.

It besides features a very solid and also original story, that never becomes predictable in any way. There are plenty of surprises and wonderful developments in the movie, that all add to its tension, suspense and mystery as well. Most of the time you don't really know what's going on in the story and how to take things. Is it real? Are the characters imagining things? Is it all part of one big elaborated marketing ploy? The movie will leave you guessing, right till the very end. It all makes this a very cleverly and effectively constructed movie, that besides is a truly engaging one to watch as well.
We don't too often get to see Sam Neill play lead roles in big movies (though this arguably is a sort of smaller movie as well) but he's absolutely fantastic to watch in this movie. He plays his character very well. It actually is a character with a very wide range to him, that goes through all sort of emotions. Cocky, smart, observing but also at times confused, scared and even just plain crazy. He does it all and balances things out very well, without ever going over the top with anything. The movie has a pretty solid supporting cast as well, with actors such as Jürgen Prochnow, David Warner and Charlton Heston involved.
Definitely one of the most underrated horror movies out there.
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