Well, color me surprised, I absolutely loved this movie!
This movie wasn't just surprisingly good but it was a genuinely great one to watch. It's a horror movie in the vain of good old '80′s style horror, that still manages to be original and effective on its own right as well.
This movie has everything in it that makes '80's horror so great and timeless and I mean literally everything. A good creepy killer/monster, horror anthology elements, good old fashioned blood and gore and just overall great visuals and storytelling. It's as if director/writer Damien Leone watched all the classic '80's horror, including some of the more obscure ones and decided to make his own ultimate horror movie, inspired by those of the '80's.

It's also a movie that never forces or is overdoing anything. It realizes that just a simple image can be enough to create something genuinely creepy. So really, no lame jump scares in this movie or gore just for the sake of it but some well build up and often more subtle moments instead, which all helps to make this movie a very effective and enjoyable one to watch.
If you love '80's horror you are going to love this movie as well!
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