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Overall, this is a pretty good documentary, that is pleasant to watch, with a nice style and pace to it but I wasn't always too fond of the approach it was taking.
It starts off like a real good and fun to watch documentary but once it starts to get more serious and starts to present all sorts of 'facts' and numbers, the documentary looses some of its power. Especially when it also starts to take sides and takes stand against certain individuals or groups and laws.

But oh well, at least the documentary isn't ever pushing things too far. It's all because of the style that the documentary is using. It tries to present itself as some sort of informational video on how to get rich by selling any sort of drugs. It isn't serious about it though of course but it gives the movie a sort of fun- and at the same time also informative style. It's taking this approach to show you how ridiculously easy- and tempting to do, it all can be to certain people out there. It in a way also causes you to not judge drug users/sellers as harsh as you would perhaps normally tend to do.
It's a pretty insightful documentary, since it features all sorts of people in it who, in one way or another, are connected to drugs. So this means lots of dealers, cops, lawyers, experts but also celebrities, such as 50 Cent, Eminem, Susan Sarandon and Woody Harrelson. What I liked was the wide variety of different persons, that showed up in it, who were also all more than willing to talk. It also ensured the movie never dwelled too much on one thing or one specific individual.
I really enjoyed watching this documentary but it still feels somewhat flawed and rushed with some of its messages and points that it's trying to make.
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