Yes, this movie is a French production but it really feels and looks like one of those cheap Italian zombie flicks, from the '70's. Funny thing about this movie is that it actually got made during the late '80's, though you really wouldn't had guessed that. The movie looks so old fashioned and got put together in a clumsy way. If this all would had been intentional this would had actually probably been a good movie.
The movie seemed so completely silly and random. It has a story you just won't care about and a bunch of characters you also can't care about at all. As a matter of fact the movie doesn't even have a main character or 'hero' in it. The movie keeps switching between a whole bunch of characters without making it apparent who is supposed to be the good guy here and they basically continue to introduce new characters for the entire movie. The movie also doesn't even turn into a zombie-flick until about halve way through the movie and when it does the movie of course only gets more silly.
Don't understand quite why a 1987 French movie is trying to be like an '70's Italian horror zombie movie. It has exactly the same ingredients and not just in its look and feel. It features plenty of nudity and gore, which the fans will still get a bit of a kick out off.
It's often the editing and directing approach that makes this movie a bad one to watch. It makes the movie at times embarrassingly bad to watch and unintentionally funny.
But yes, it is also true that as far as the genre goes, this really isn't the worst movie to watch. Like mentioned earlier, fans o the genre will probably still get a kick out off it, also since they won't care much about it that the movie is lacking a real good story.
Some more originality wouldn't had harmed the movie really. Not just with its story but also with its moments. If you have seen a couple of type of movies like this one, nothing in this movie should be too surprising. Still it needs to be said that some of the gore is being good at times, which shall especially please the genre buffs. The gore and killings within this movie are also really basically its only redeeming qualities. Make sure to watch the uncut version for this though.
A bit of a clumsy made movie, that gets unintentionally bad and funny at times but the fans of the genre shall still most likely enjoy the movie for what it is.
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