
(Review originally written at 20 January 2007)

Nothing too fancy, just an enjoyable little black & white Western, that doesn't really ever impresses but delivers some good entertainment nevertheless.

The story, as the whole movie, is kept rather simple and small. I think this movie is what you can call a light-Western. Not a lot of action, not a lot of tough characters and other genre clichés present in this movie.

Glenn Ford was good enough in his role, although he perhaps played his character a bit too depressed. It doesn't always make the main character enjoyable but thank goodness that the movie is filled with some other good and enjoyable characters. Broderick Crawford was in my opinion miscast. I mean, an aging, balding, fat gunman? I had a hard time taking him serious as one of the fastest gunman in the west, even though his acting was good.

Due to the movie its simplistic story, nothing too notable ever occurs in the movie (or you have to count in the unexpected dance number, that really doesn't serve any purpose but is enjoyable nevertheless) and the movie for most part also stays rather predictable, with also a predictable 'surprise' ending.

An enjoyable little, simple Western that is worth a watch, if you have nothing else to do-, or better to watch.


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About Frank Veenstra

Watches movies...writes about them...and that's it for now.
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