This early silent comedy short seems like a completely pointless one. It has got a very weak and simple story, that doesn't even feature good comical moments and a weird ending.
The movie features most of the cast members of the 1915 movie-serial "Les Vampires", also directed by Louis Feuillade. It's perhaps the only redeeming quality of this movie. René Poyen plays the comical character Bout-de-Zan again and the main role is being portrayed by Marcel Lévesque, who certainly had a great talent for comedy, although that doesn't completely fully shows in this movie.
The movie is just plain weird and halve of the time you really don't understand what is going on, or what the movie is even about. It took me awhile before I understood who all the characters were and what they were doing.
The movie tries too hard to be funny with as a result that the humor in it feels very forced, which causes it to be not funny and it just doesn't work out. Toward the ending the movie definitely gets better and the movie starts to take more form. It really seems like they shot this movie without a script and just came up with things, as they went along with filming. Of course not a thing that was uncommon for comedy shorts made in the 1910's.
The movie is also too short to say anything more negative or really positive about it.
A pointless to watch silent comedy short, that barely entertains enough.
C'est pour les orphelins (1916) Directed by Louis Feuillade
(Review originally written at 3 February 2007)
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