This is one of those science-fiction movies that puts it emphasis on science. It tries to approach its subject from a realistic and scientific approach, in order to provide the movie with a realistic vibe to it, no matter how far fetched the actually concept actually is. The film-makers succeeded in this for most part but yet the movie falls a bit flat because it at the same time also feels like a quite distant movie that you're just aren't always drawn in to.
Thing with this movie is that it's whole story just seem to lack a real point. If the experiments conducted in this movie for example perhaps could had led to a cure for cancer the whole story and characters would had worked out more compelling and the story as a whole would had been more intriguing.
The movie is still more than a good one though. It's a movie that has David Cronenberg written all over it, except that it's not made by Cronenberg at all. See this movie perhaps as a mixture of Cronenberg's "Videodrome" and "The Fly". The movie does definitely has some tripping visual moments in it, that are done very well and could had easily fitted in one of those early Cronenberg pictures like "Videodrome" or "Scanners".
The movie is helped made somewhat more believable by the fine actors that are in it. It was actually William Hurt's first cinematic movie role, while he was already 30. He was really fine in this movie, as the leading man. It also stars Bob Balaban, in one of his roles in which he plays a scientist again.
For an 1980 movie it has some pretty good effects, though the movie still mostly relies on its editing techniques for its trippy moments. The movie often does a good job at creating both a science-fiction and horror feeling for the movie. The musical score by John Corigliano also helps with this. He actually deservingly received an Oscar nomination for it. This guy is a real great composer and conductor who however never scores much for movies. So far he only did 3 movies in his career, for which he in 2000 received an academy award for his work on "Le violon rouge".
Not a bad movie to watch but lacking a real purpose to leave a truly lasting impression.
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